How Local SEO Is Different From Regular SEO and Why Its Important?

How Local SEO Is Different From Regular SEO and Why Its Important
Most people don’t realize that Google uses multiple algorithms to return search results. Search engine optimization commonly called SEO is the strategies of optimizing signals ON and OFF a website to influence how the site shows up when certain keywords are searched. when marketers and business owners talked about seo, they are talking about regular traditional seo that targets Google’s traditional algorithm. Google uses a different algorithm to return localized search results and the local seo is the srategy of optimizing signal to target that specific algorithm.
Google is able to analyze the Gazillion of queries it receives and it’s figured out that for certain business types even when the user doesn’t include any geographic modifiers in a search query something like a city, a neighborhood or a phrase like near me or nearby that user still needs local search results from local area.
We love to use the pizza example here and not just because pizza’s delicious if you are in a new town and you need to get a Pizza you’d pop onto Google and do a search for something like pizza delivery.
Read more: 8 Techniques To Get More Customer Reviews For Your Local Business
Google will show you pizza joints that are nearby even though you didn’t specify a location. that’s Google local algorithm in action even if the best SEO in the world optimized a pizza restaurant in New York city.
Google algorithm is smart enough to only show you pizza spots in your immediate area. Any business with a physical storefront or that serves customers in a particular geographic area needs local SEO, the easiest way to check if the local algorithm applies to your business is with a quick Google search. Search for a handful of your most important keywords and check out the search results. if you see a map pack with the three results right underneath that’s a clear signal that the local algorithm returned those results and that means your business needs local SEO.
Local SEO isn’t only about the map pack, with local SEO you’re also targeting localized organic results and searches on Google maps. Your business’s physical location is important as is proximity how far away you are from the user that’s doing the search. The radius for local search results varies greatly between different verticals and even different cities typically the more concentrated the competition the smaller that search radius will be. We hope you learned something awesome, if you’ve got any questions feel free to comment them below to us directly in comment box.